There is no evidence to support a drop in property value for homes near a meat processing facility, based on comps and recent real estate news for home values in the surrounding neighborhoods for Wolf Pack Meats in Reno, and both Mori Meats and Lahontan Valley/York Meats in Fallon. All of these facilities are located in or very near to residential areas.
A poll of recent property sales and comps in a three to four mile radius around Wolf Pack Meats shows home values in the area start above the median home price of $395,000 in Reno, which, as of October 4, 2019, per the Reno Realty Blog. The properties listed ranged in price from $435,000 to $750,000. It’s really hard to say whether Carson Valley Meats will have an impact on property values, as regionally, home prices have been dropping according to CalNeva Realty’s latest Market Statistics Report on Nov. 1, 2019. Currently, according to First Centennial Title Co. of Nevada, the median home listing price in Gardnerville is $574,900. A quick look at the map on Zillow shows homes within a half-mile radius are near the median price, and well beyond the median price a mile away. A brand-new home listed for sale 1.2 miles away is listed at $799,000 and took a $40,000 price cut on Oct. 1.
The median home price in Fallon is $284,900. Homes for sale in the surrounding area of both Mori Meats and Lahontan Valley/York Meats, which are located in the heart of residential areas, range from $65,000 to $850,000. A recent sale of a home listed close to the median price, sold for list price at $289,500. Another recent sale for a 1-acre lot, 2,648 sq.-ft. home built in 2003, went for its asking price of $525,000.
Comps for Fallon, near Lahontan Valley Meats and York Meats: Click Here to View Listings
Comps for Fallon, near Mori Meats: Click Here to View Listings
Site proximity in Gardnerville:
This aerial view shows the number of homes (four) located within ½ mile of the proposed site.


