An open invitation to our neighbors:

Please join us at the proposed site for an open house, open discussion:
Saturday, November 9, 10 a.m to 2 p.m.
876 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville
As responsible business owners, we have hired local professionals out of our own pockets to help us move our business plan forward. These professionals include an engineering firm to help with our state-of-the-art water filtration system, our attorney to help us navigate the legal process, and a marketing firm to help us provide the community with the most up-to-date information we have in order to be honest, open and transparent with you, our neighbors.
We have been accused of “not problem-solving”, of removing negative comments from our own social media pages (we have not, there are few open dissenters on our pages) and of not being open in our plans and dreams for Carson Valley Meats, despite our website, social media and public appearances when we’ve been asked to address an audience.
And so, we invite you to visit the site and see for yourselves what we intend to do. We will answer your questions and your concerns and discuss together the economic benefit of this project to the Carson Valley. We may not change your mind, and that’s OK, but let’s get this discussion out in the open, be respectful of each and every opinion, and talk it out, like good neighbors.
– Karin Sinclair and Mike Holcomb, Carson Valley Meats
While Sinclair Family Farm is under contract to purchase the Property, they do not own it. Therefore, please be prepared to sign a waiver of liability regarding access to the Property upon arrival.