Carson CityCarson City Facility Rendering for Carson Valley Meats

Carson City Staff Supports our Request for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to operate our proposed processing facility on land zoned General Industrial

See the full Carson City Staff Report in support of our Carson City location here.

See the Carson City Growth Management and Planning Commission Agenda here.


The applicant, Carson Valley Meats, Inc., is requesting a Special Use Permit for an animal processing facility. The proposed animal processing facility is a conditional use (slaughterhouse) in the General Industrial (GI) zoning district and requires approval of a Special Use Permit. The proposed animal processing facility includes a 5,000 sq. ft. +/- building for processing, storage, and retail services, a +/- 5,600 sq. ft. loading/corral area, off-street parking, and associated landscaping/open space. The proposed location is ideal for the intended use because it is in an existing General Industrial area, is naturally buffered by the topography, and has easy access.

The proposed facility will be USDA-certified and will process beef, goat, lamb, swine, and wild game. It will be available to regional ranchers and livestock producers. A local facility will provide benefits to Carson City and throughout the region, including:

• Opportunity for local ranchers and livestock producers to process locally;

• The ability for meat to come directly from a local producer, much like the neighborhood butcher of days gone by;

• Ability to provide unique cuts and products unavailable in supermarkets;
• Reduces the stress of long-distance transportation on livestock;
• Reduces environmental and financial impacts of long-distance transportation; and
• Local facilities will be able to continue processing meat, even when the large-scale facilities are impacted by nationwide events that could limit meat availability nationwide (i.e. pandemic)

Carson Valley Meats, Inc. supports the “Farm to Table” movement by providing a viable local alternative for both the producer and consumer. This operation will reduce the cost of production of meat for local ranchers and provides a high-quality, fresh source of meat for area residents.

Business Overview

The proposed hours of operation will be Monday through Friday, 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The facility will be closed on weekends and holidays (based on the USDA inspection schedule). The facility will typically process +/- 60 animals per week. Animals will be delivered to the site one day prior to or the day of harvesting during regular business hours and held in the corral for up to 24 hours. Approximately half of the animals would be delivered the day prior to harvest. Typically, harvesting will occur one day a week and processing on the remaining workdays.During weeks where local events such as fairs occur (+/- 6 times per year), harvesting could occur 1-3 days per week. There may be additional animals on-site during these fair/event weeks, with a maximum of 120 animals at any time, although it is unlikely that there would ever be more than 100 at any time. On fair/event weeks, the facility would only process the animals coming from the air/event and they would be dropped off the day prior to harvest. The normally scheduled animals would be moved to a different week for processing.f

Five employees are anticipated for normal business operations with the potential need for six to eight employees when operations are at full capacity.

In addition to the services mentioned above, this facility will also offer on-site custom butchering, curing and smoking meats and retail meat sales (200 sq. ft. +/- of the proposed facility). Only prepackaged meats will be sold; an open meat counter with unwrapped items will not be available. Any wild game that will be processed for customers will be done separately from the USDA products and are of lesser priority.


The entire harvesting process will occur indoors. During this process, liquid is captured in a collection tank, prior to going down the drain and the tank is pumped out as needed. The processing floor is swept before wash down to capture any solids, and the resulting waste stream goes through a screening process prior to discharge to the treatment system.

Typical water usage expected is as follows:

  • Max 4,000 gallons per day on a typical harvest day (1 day per week)
    o 100 gallons per head of cattle x 20
    o 50 gallons per head of sheep, goat, hog x 40
  • Max 8,000 gallons per day on a fair/event week harvest day (1-3 days per week, max. 6 times
    per year, maximum potential animals on site – 120)
    o 100 gallons per head of cattle x 40
    o 50 gallons per head of sheep, goat, hog x 80


Animals will be in the outdoor corral area for 24 hours +/- each week (the day before harvesting) with an average time on site being less than or equal to 24 hours. All harvesting and processing

activities will occur inside the facility, thus containing any associated noises to the confines of the building.


Any unusable portions remaining after the harvesting process will be sprayed with denature to eliminate the potential for odor and removed from the site on the day of harvest. The unusable portions will be picked up by a local rendering company and thus eliminating the potential for undesirable odors after harvest day. After the harvesting process and the meat has been processed, it is stored in the on-site freezer to remove the potential for spoiling and odor.

Additionally, manure and waste material will be removed from the corral area weekly. A tractor will shovel the waste and load it into a truck to haul it off-site.

Use Permitting and Inspections

• Permitting as required through Carson City Building Department and Health Department
• NDEP- Wastewater Discharge Permit: inspections and annual reporting
• NV Department of Agriculture – Chapter 583 License: annual inspections
• USDA- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Plan: USDA Permit (facility inspection prior to opening), daily inspections

Development Standards

The project has been designed to meet the development standards established in the General Industrial zoning designation and are consistent with CCMC Section 18.04.195 – Non-residential districts intensity and dimensional standards.


The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Handbook, 10th Edition, indicates that trip generation for warehousing (Land Use 150) and retail sales, the most closely associated uses for this project, is 5.05 ADT (average daily trips) per employee plus retail sales. The total trip generation is 53 ADT; (5.05 x 8 employees 13 for retail sales). Because the project will not generate more than 80 peak hour trips or more than 500 ADT according to ITE trip generation rates, a traffic impact study is not required.

The applicant has indicated that the following trips are expected, which is similar to the trip generation estimated with Land Use 150: Warehousing along with retail sales:

• Trips associated with up to 8 employees and general business operations (i.e. mail deliveries, USDA inspections): 25 ADT
• Trips associated with small retail meat sales (200 sq. ft. +/- area): 13 ADT
• One day per week pickup trucks with trailers deliver animals to the site: 10+/- trucks/week
• Truck to remove unusable portions: 1 truck/week


The CCMC requires 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. plus 1 space per employee for the proposed use and 1 space per 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area for the retail portion of the facility. This indicates a parking need of 14 parking spaces (4,800 sq. ft. gross floor area x 1 space/1,000 sq. ft.) + (1 space x 8 employees (max number) + (200 sq. ft. gross floor area x 1 space/300 sq. ft.). The Site Plan includes 14 parking spaces.


The Landscape design is consistent with Title 18, Division 3 Landscaping requirements: “A minimum of 20 percent of the site’s impervious surfaces excluding the building coverage will be pervious areas of
landscape material”. Based on these calculations, 6,966 sq. ft. landscape area (20% of impervious surface (34,830sq. ft.)) is required and a total of 10,188 sq. ft. is provided within the project site.

The landscape areas shown on the site plan function to buffer the facility by surrounding the proposed pavement areas. The total landscaping provided (10,188 sq. ft.) exceeds the required landscaping per
code. Detailed landscape calculations and design will be provided with final plans.


There are existing water and sewer services to the subject property, with public water and sewer provided by Carson City. If necessary, the water line and sewer line configuration will be altered to allow for the proposed building. Please see the detailed Project Impact Statements included with this application.


Per the preliminary water system analysis, the pipe sizes and piping layouts within the project are adequately designed to meet the demands of the development. The analysis shows that the pressures on the site will meet Carson City and NAC requirements.


See attached Project Impact Report regarding sewer that estimates peak sewer discharge flow to be approximately .008 MGD, translating into the 8” sewer pipe being less than 1% full.


Per the analysis contained within the conceptual drainage study, the addition of a detention facility will detain the required amount of discharge in the required storm event with no negative impact to
downstream facilities and surrounding areas.

The project site is located within a floodway and Zone AE, shaded Zone X and unshaded Zone X flood designations according to FEMA map #3200010112F with an effective date of June 6th, 2019. A CLOMR-F will be pursued to adjust the Flood Zone AE line so that it lies outside of the proposed pavement areas.

Due to site constraints such as existing topography and location of floodway and floodplain, a large portion of the proposed 4.43 acre +/- parcel is not developable. The proposed animal processing facility would be constructed on the remaining, developable portion of the property.


In accordance with Carson City Municipal Code Section 18.02.080, this project has been designed to consider the following:

  1. Will be consistent with the objectives of the Master Plan elements. An animal processing and freezer storage facility located on the subject property is consistent with the objectives of the Carson City Master Plan elements, specifically those with designations of Mixed- Use Commercial. The Master Plan Policy Checklist is included in this application package with additional information.
  2. Will not be detrimental to the use, peaceful enjoyment, economic value, or development of surrounding properties of the general neighborhood; and is compatible with and preserves the character and integrity of adjacent development and neighborhoods or includes improvements or modifications either on-site or within the public right-of-way to mitigate development related to adverse impacts such as noise, vibrations, fumes, odors, dust, glare, or physical activity. The two adjacent uses to the south are also zoned general industrial. Of these two properties, one has an industrial use located on it and the other is vacant. The site has been designed and operation protocols will be in place to eliminate any problems relating to noise and odor that are associated with the proposed use. The general neighborhood will not be negatively affected by the proposed project either as it is either not near any of the existing uses in the area or will be directly adjacent to undevelopable land. Any outdoor lighting installed on the exterior of the building will be shielded from neighboring property through height, placement, and wattage. Outdoor lighting will be indicated on improvement plans.

  1. Will have little or no detrimental effect on vehicular or pedestrian traffic. The project will have little additional impact on the existing street network, sidewalks, or parking. The total trip generation is 53 ADT. Because the project will not generate more than 80 peak hour trips or more than 500 ADT according to ITE trip generation rates, a traffic impact study is not required. Primary access is provided from Brick Road, a private road with planned improvements. Vehicles can access Brick Road from Sheep Drive.
  2. Will not overburden existing public services and facilities, including schools, police and fire protection, water, sanitary sewer, public roads, storm drainage, and other public improvements. As demonstrated in the Project Impact Reports for water, sewer, drainage, and traffic, the project will not contribute to or overburden existing public services and facilities. Comments will be incorporated as appropriate in Improvement Plans to ensure that the facility does not overburden existing public services and facilities. The commercial project will have no impact on schools and limited impact on police and fire services. Public improvements that are required by Carson City are incorporated into the design of the project.
  3. Meets the definition and specific standards set forth elsewhere in this Title for such particular use and meets the purpose statement of that district. The proposed use/project meets the purpose statement of the General Industrial zoning district in which it is located in. The animal processing (slaughterhouse) use processes products (meat products) from raw material (animals) and the process as a whole involves conditions that could be deemed offensive. The proposed project meets or exceeds all of the specific intensity and dimensional standards for the district as well.
  4. Will not be detrimental to public health, safety, convenience and welfare. The proposed project incorporates appropriate measures and Carson City requirements to ensure that improvements to the site will benefit public health, safety, convenience and welfare.
  5. Will not result in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity, as a result of proposed mitigation measures. The improvements to the site will not result in material damage or prejudice to other property in the vicinity.

The purpose of the Master Plan Policy Checklist is to provide a list of answers that address whether a development proposal is in conformance with the goals and objectives of the 2006 Carson City Master Plan that are related to this SUP application. This project complies with the Master Plan and accomplishes the following objectives:

Chapter 2: Vision, themes, and Guiding Principles
The proposed project provides another service option to better serve the Carson City residents as well as the regional population. (1.2)

The proposed project incorporates and minimizes impact to floodplain in its vicinity. (1.3)

The proposed project adds to the economic vitality of Carson City by providing local employment and a unique and in-demand service along a major corridor. (3.0)

Chapter 3: A Balanced Land Use Pattern

The proposed project is located within Carson City and it is served by community water and wastewater facilities as identified in the Water and Wastewater Master Plans. (1.1b)

The proposed project is expected to utilize sustainable building materials and construction techniques. (1.1e)

The proposed site is in a moderate priority infill development area give that the property is designated for mixed-use development and is located along a major gateway corridor.

The proposed project minimizes disturbance to distinctive topographic features on-site. (1.4c)

The proposed site is located to be adequately served by city services including fire and sheriff services. (1.5d)

The proposed project promotes mixed-use development appropriate for the surrounding area. (2.1b, 2.2b, 2.3b)

The proposed project is properly sited to protect environmentally sensitive areas. (3.1b)

The proposed site will be completely out of the primary floodplain located nearby. (3.3d)

The appropriate level of services will be provided for given the proposed project.

Chapter 5: Economic Vitality

The proposed project adds to the diversity of local job opportunities. (5.1c)

The proposed project promotes vertical diversity by providing another option to local ranchers/farmers to effectively and efficiently harvest their livestock. (5.1g)

The proposed project is located in a manner to conserve local natural resources and open space and protect the adjacent floodplain. (5.5f)

Chapter 6: Livable Neighborhoods and Activity Centers

  1. The proposed project is expected to utilize durable, long-lasting building materials. (6.1a)
  2. The proposed project will provide a suitable building façade with clearly identifiable entrance and ample site landscaping. (6.1c)